Tuesday 8 September 2009

Back from the prodution.

Right I'm back and ready to blog.

I took everything i needed to create the basic ground force for this music video, i was equipped with my Nikon D60 Camera and various chargers, my simple 35mm lens and a flash gun.

When i arrived on Holiday in the South Of France i saw the beach line, it was perfect and only when i was surfing at 8pm at night, i realised how beautiful this beach was. The sun was setting on the horizon, the sea was still warm, and the wind was quiet it was absolutely undescribable. The next evening i decided to bring my camera down to beach to try out some test shots, to decide angles and pretty much what part of the beach i was to use in my moving images.

I wanted to capture the sun setting on the water, on which would bring warm hues to the video. So in that thought i was to make sure i would be shooting around evening time, this had advantages such as the beach was quieter, there was more surfers capturing an evening wave, the sun was low and so pictures were not to be over-exposed, the lighting was JUST perfect, the temperature was cooler and so it was easier to film without the interruption/distraction of the heat.

Here are some of the images from the shooting.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had fun in l'hexagon :)

    Can you maybe upload some of these pictures?? I really would like to see some :)


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