Friday 25 September 2009

Becoming Familar with Video Editing techniques


Using the software windows movie maker , cutting, copying and

placing pictures into an order which flows and links, connecting them to

certain times of the song track. Referring to amount in seconds.

So i don't really have any fancy software to edit video with on what a
commercial scale would be using, but i have windows movie maker, here i am going to use
the stop motion process to put my video together, I have been playing around seeing how to do this and how to do that etc

I am just experimenting with how I'm going

to put the video together, having edited the folders and what not, i am now starting to place odd bits together to see what the outcome might look like. Here i am starting to understand the software and so becoming familiar with possible faults. etc

Obviously this is going to be a long process so its going to take some time until i get to the final cut.

I am really happy that the stop motion process fits with my track, at first i was a bit cautious due to the fact there could be a slight delay due to the picks flowing continuosly but i have managed to work around this, making sure the seconds shown per picture are the same. and so continuous.

As you can see i have edited the separate frames in the video posted above, if you compare this

to the video i previously posted, the video is far more

contrasted, sharper and above all more colour brilliantt.

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